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H.P. Lovecraft 集锦鬼故事之寒气逼人

H.P. Lovecraft 集锦鬼故事之寒气逼人

Cool Air

  • 别名:H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume 2: Cool Air
  • 主演:Jack Donner ... Doctor Muñoz
  • 其他:1999年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 恐怖
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  • 主演:

    Jack Donner ... Doctor Muñoz


H.P. Lovecraft 集锦鬼故事之寒气逼人原名:Cool Air,又名H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume 2: Cool Air

Randolph Carter moves into a squalid boarding house in the summer of 1925 where he becomes friends with a mysterious doctor who revives him after a near-fatal heart attack. Soon after, Carter discovers the awful truth about the doctor and the fragile line that separates life and death. Featuring a stellar performance by Jack Donner as Dr. Muñoz, Cool Air remains a haunting remi...

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