Slings and Arrows Season 1
- 主演:Paul Gross,Mark McKinney,Don McKellar
- 其他:2003年 / 8.7分 / 加拿大 / 喜剧
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- 主演:
Paul Gross,Mark McKinney,Don McKellar
Slings and Arrows Season 1
In the fictional town of New Burbage, legendary theatrical madman Geoffrey Tennant returns to the New Burbage Theatre Festival, the site of his greatest triumph and most humiliating failure, to assume the artistic directorship after the sudden death of his mentor, Oliver Welles. When Geoffrey arrives he finds that Oliver is still there, in spirit anyway, and with his guidance (...
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像一句广告 2011-03-08
saturdaylou 2010-08-10
a smart show about a smart subject - theatre, it is so funny because it is so true on so many levels.
Iberian 2015-05-24
太好看了,一晚上连着刷完了六集!!有点像Shakespeare Retold系列,第一季是“哈姆雷特”。但因为并不是现代重排剧,所以没有直接套原版的故事和人物关系。但是在全新的故事和人物里,不断找到原版故事的蛛丝马迹,实在是一种看的停不下来的体验
Nightwing 2023-09-03
故事巧妙、疯癫程度把握得当的剧场喜剧,享受所有演员都脸生的清新感(当然除了Rachel McAdams),才意识到看过的上一部加剧还是北美版QAF。
和总结有四裹人 2019-11-17
susan coyne 与 tecca crosby 的"提案"我猜是"每季是一部莎悲剧, 而排戏上演这个没什么'人民权力'而为民作主的过程跟前近代的宫斗有类似的问题意识, 故台后即整季的情节蜿蜒是台前的这部莎剧的情节, '一样一样的'", 但oliver(对于第一季是故去的国王)到第三季一直当sidekick, 是前近代本来多鬼, 还是搞得季季有一丝hamlet?
坐等1900 2015-05-09
关于live theatre最好的诠释 没有之一
retriever 2014-10-11
实在太赞了,熬夜看到快四点,好久没有体会过这种被演技糊一脸的感觉,台词写得也好到让人心情舒畅,整个哈姆雷特parody的结构也很巧妙,莎翁狂热爱好者和theatre people一定比我更喜欢这剧。
FF 2015-06-09
Harrowing. Haven't seen anything this good in ages, here's ** old theater blood boiling again.
Vulpecula 2010-11-21
Best TV drama I have ever seen.
Estoc 2021-05-17
好看!台词和角色写得都好,让剧里没有演技的女演员和野心家也显得没那么面目可憎。剧本结构十分巧妙,Geoffrey和Ellen和Oliver的关系暗合正在排练的Hamlet,一季下来看着主角们慢慢解开心结,又好像自己也跟着参与进了排练。Geoffrey在上台前给Jack那段pep talk说得真好啊;Maria的声音也好好听。 (没想到有Rachel McAdams诶