Meurtre à Pacot
- 别名:Meurtre à Pacot / Murder in Pacot
- 主演:阿莱克斯·德斯卡,Joy Olasunmibo Ogunmakin,Thibault Vincon
- 其他:2014年 / 未知分 / 海地,法国 /
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- 主演:
阿莱克斯·德斯卡,Joy Olasunmibo Ogunmakin,Thibault Vincon
帕科谋杀案原名:Meurtre à Pacot,又名Meurtre à Pacot、Murder in Pacot
After the terrible January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, a privileged couple struggles to reinvent a life amid the rubbles of their villa in Port-**-Prince’s upscale neighborhood of Pacot. Destitute and in desperate need for money to repair their home, the couple decides to rent the remaining habitable part of the villa to Alex, a high-level foreign relief worker, who bring Jennife...
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