Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme
- 主演:Eugene Domingo
- 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / 菲律宾 / 喜剧 , 恐怖
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Eugene Domingo
Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme
Kimmy and Dora (both Eugene Domingo) are identical twins with different personalities. Kimmy is the smart, dictatorial type while Dora is the slow, dumb-wit sister. However, they end up being close to each other and appreciated the love as sisters. The film will focus before the birth of the twins. It was a set-up arranged marriage for their father Don Luisito Go Dong Hae playe...
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iamface 2014-03-07
第二集Kimmy Dora仍是原班人馬飾演,看過***後人物變得更為親切,而這故事圍繞於Go Dong Hae家族的故事,今次除了一貫誇張的表現外,帶來了恐怖片的題材,感覺比上集多了點看頭,雖然沒什意外的處理但感覺上流暢而且比上集惹笑,可能是人物延續的原因吧