Ulrike's Brain
- 主演:Susanne Sachße,Saskia Timm,Stefan Sandrock
- 其他:2017年 / 未知分 / 德国 /
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- 主演:
Susanne Sachße,Saskia Timm,Stefan Sandrock
乌尔丽克的大脑原名:Ulrike's Brain,
Referencing six es B-movies like They Saved Hit- ler’s Brain and The Brain That Would Not ***, Ulrike’s Brainnds Doctor Julia Feifer (Susanne Sachsse) arriving at an academic conference with an organ box. Inside the box: the brain of Ulrike Meinhof, which was saved by the authori es along with the brains of the three other leaders of the RAF a er their deaths in Stammheim pri...
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小易甫 2017-02-19
嗯,挺好的,和想象中的一样。主要是颁奖夜同时间也没别的片子想看,所以找了这部德国片。好歹导演La Bruce本**来了,而且论坛扩展单元这部居然还顺带着有一场15分钟奇异舞台表演,也算是开眼界了。