To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion
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To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion
*** documentary on George Dyson's findings of the military ******* his father, the Nobel laureate physicist Freeman Dyson, spearheaded--******* Orion
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demoi 2022-11-04
太传奇了。Freeman Dyson 是不是精灵族的……
adnap 2021-06-21
非常**,那个**的雄心壮志。 万一成了dyson就去造核**宇宙飞船了,也不回去教书了😃
Bearinger 2011-03-23
Story of a forgotten army *******~
Palpatine 2014-07-08
Single, most, badass, acheivement that could have been made by the human race.