Wilder Days
- 主演:Josh Hutcherson,Peter Falk,Tim Daly
- 其他:2003年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
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Josh Hutcherson,Peter Falk,Tim Daly
Wilder Days
After Chris's grandfather took a nasty fall down some stairs he was sent to an old folks home. He did not want to be there so he took Chris on a trip without asking his dad first. His dad went through a lot of trouble trying to find them.
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Persistence 2023-09-29
Chris的祖父从楼梯上摔下来后,他被送到了一个老人院。 他不想去那里,所以他带克里斯去旅行,没有先问***。 ***在试图找到他们时遇到了很多麻烦。