Kuxa Kanema - O Nascimento do Cinema
- 主演:让-吕克·戈达尔,Samora Machel,Ruy Guerra
- 其他:2003年 / 未知分 / 葡萄牙 / 纪录片
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- 主演:
让-吕克·戈达尔,Samora Machel,Ruy Guerra
Kuxa Kanema - O Nascimento do Cinema
The first cultural act of the nascent Mozambique Government after independence in 1975 was to ****** the National Institute of Cinema (INC). The new president Samora Machel had a strong awareness of the power of the image, and understood he needed to use this power to build a socialist nation. INC's goal was to film the people, and to deliver these images back to the people. Re...
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