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A Bride for Henry

A Bride for Henry

  • 别名:Uma Noiva Difícil
  • 主演:安妮·内格尔,沃伦·赫尔,Henry Mollison
  • 其他:1937年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
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  • 主演:

    安妮·内格尔,沃伦·赫尔,Henry Mollison


A Bride for Henry又名Uma Noiva Difícil

On the day of her wedding a young woman's fiancé doesn't show up, sleeping off the results of the previous night's wild bachelor *****. Miffed, the woman decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway to teach her fiancé a lesson, so she calls her lawyer, Henry, and has him stand in for her missing groom. She intends to divorce her new "husband" at the first opportunity, but Henry...

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