The Substance Albert Hoffmans LSD
- 主演:Albert Hofmann,肯·凯西,蒂莫西·利瑞
- 其他:2011年 / 未知分 / 瑞士 / 纪录片
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Albert Hofmann,肯·凯西,蒂莫西·利瑞
艾伯特·霍夫曼的LSD原名:The Substance Albert Hoffmans LSD,
In 1943, the year in which the first A-bomb was built, Albert Hofmann discovered ***, a substance that was to become an A-bomb of the mind. Fractions of a milligram are enough to turn our framework of time and ***** upside down. The story of a drug - its discovery in the Basel chemistry lab, the first experiments by Albert Hofmann on himself, the 1950s experiments of the psychi...
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Hildegard 2012-07-14
at Astor Theatre,15th Revelation, after all, the same kind of defeatism is still hovering above, but i believe in Hofmann