John Mayer Trio: Who Did You Think I Was
- 主演:史蒂夫·乔丹,约翰·梅耶,Pino Palladino
- 其他:2005年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 短片 , 音乐
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新电影集合 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!
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- 主演:
史蒂夫·乔丹,约翰·梅耶,Pino Palladino
John Mayer Trio: Who Did You Think I Was
Despite the single for "Who Did You Think I Was" being the version from the trio's live album, the music video of the song was a studio recording specifically for the purpose of the video itself. The music video features the trio in a worn-down factory or warehouse playing the song. In certain shots, the cameras are intentionally clearly visible to make the video have a "put-to...
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我超可怕 2019-03-08
1分。无语了……Gus的影片列表里这部是唱机转盘版(turntable version),我确实看着一张黑胶碟被拿出来然后转了3分钟……大材小用啊。哎本来挺期待我喜欢的导演给我喜欢的歌手拍了个什么MV。