Paul Smith, Gentleman Designer
- 主演:Paul Smith
- 其他:2011年 / 未知分 / 法国 /
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Paul Smith
Paul Smith, Gentleman Designer
An intimate and provoking portrait of Lord Paul Smith, quirky designer and formidable businessman, through exclusive access to a poet of British fashion. Paul Smith has 400 shops and outlets in 35 countries, 12 clothing lines, 400 million Euros in yearly revenues, sales topping Chanel's, partnerships with Evian, Apple, and Austin, and prestigious bicycle and race car brands. Th...
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Sabrina 2019-02-02
寒青 2018-09-22
哈哈哈哈哈哈 第一次看记录片觉得那么搞笑…不愧是搞怪少年…I’d like to be challenged by something new...🚲
四翼人alice 2015-09-29
遇到一个有趣的人,充满童真的人不是那么容易!尤其是,他已经一大把年纪了,还是受爵**“成功之士”。多想像他那样,清晨在未苏醒的巴黎,悠然自得骑着自行车…… 没办法啊,也许下一次,即将来临的第四次……! 飞机也不是那么难耐了!
费小恋。 2019-08-01
受身边人影响 也越来越喜欢Paul Smith 争取多买点 年初在油麻地电影中心买的碟 今晚终于看了
Pierrot 2020-12-10
Carlvado 2017-01-30
The whole point is just to have a nice day.
老的姜 2015-11-15
吓哭了 看到最后发现他办公楼就在家门口我每天路过 随时有可能碰到啊说不定还真碰到过。。= =