Drive Me to Vegas and Mars
- 主演:斯坦·肖,贝弗利·陶德,Mackenzie Munro
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 加拿大 / 剧情 , 喜剧
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斯坦·肖,贝弗利·陶德,Mackenzie Munro
Drive Me to Vegas and Mars
In this warm, zesty comedy, Cowboy, a senior citizen ex-lawyer and gambler, is persuaded by his spunky seventeen year old neighbor, Rachel, to seek retribution for having been cheated in Las Vegas many years ago. So begins a wild adventure that marks a young girl's rite of passage into womanhood and an old man's bittersweet final awakening to life, love and happiness. Along for...
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