Drama fra Riddertiden
- 别名:Et Drama fra Riddertiden / For a Woman's Sake
- 主演:维果·拉尔森,Clara Nebelong,Gustav Lund
- 其他:1907年 / 未知分 / 丹麦 Denmark / 剧情 , 短片
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丹麦 Denmark
- 主演:
维果·拉尔森,Clara Nebelong,Gustav Lund
Drama fra Riddertiden又名Et Drama fra Riddertiden、For a Woman's Sake
A young nobleman arrives at Frederiksborg Castle where a mayor lives with his beautiful daughter. He immediately falls in love with the daughter, who – much to her fiancée's resentment – reciprocates his feelings. Sick with jealousy, the fiancée spies on the new lovers and plans how to get rid of his rival once and for all.
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