How To Be Bohemian With Victoria Coren Mitchell
- 主演:Victoria Coren Mitchell
- 其他:2015年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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Victoria Coren Mitchell
How To Be Bohemian With Victoria Coren Mitchell
“How To Be Bohemian will look at the bohemian lifestyle of past and present – the weird and wonderful artists, writers and bon viveurs who defy convention and whose alternative lifestyles are often just as colourful as their art - and sometimes even **** so. Victoria will bring viewers a series full of interesting facts delivered in her unique and sharp way.”Cassian Harrison,...
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sarah🇺🇦 2015-06-24
"épater le bourgeois", superb soundtrack, esp. the last one!! (Joel Sarakula // BOHEMIAN
Dr.WizardLuna 2016-11-26
Brilliant! 【former pop star-turned-vicar Richard Coles】
Anonymous🌈 2020-10-14
Victoria Coren Mitchell又名Vicky coren,女权主义者、****传奇女**、***电视专栏作家、主持人