Out of Many
- 主演:Kanhai Condison,Soraya Dabdoub,Abraham Gardner
- 其他:2020年 / 未知分 / 牙买加 / 剧情 , 短片
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新电影集合 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!
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Kanhai Condison,Soraya Dabdoub,Abraham Gardner
Out of Many
Out of Many explores the pervasive social disparity in Kingston, Jamaica from the perspective of a teenage girl. Asha is the daughter of a politician and enjoys a life far removed from a harsh reality that many Jamaicans face. Her bubble of privilege pops when she sees the dead body of a street cleaner. Asha’s world view begins to unwind as she is thrusted into deep introspecti...
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阿飞 2022-08-04
#75th LocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts
夏小正 2022-08-13
当代牙买加(首都:贫富/阶层数量/**/宗教/人种/街区/青少年状况)。75 Locarno短片中较有情节有制作的一部,编剧足够。
Q影誌 2022-08-13
#locarno在线 牙买加女导演。关于rich black community的reflect。初衷是好的,故事是浮夸的,估计导演也是一个中产以上阶级。小女孩过着不自省的和白人富人一样的生活,怎么看见一个半夜扫地黑人被撞死的**后就突然受不了了?对于手持摄影和剪辑的运用也不成熟,矫情。
一桶猫 2022-08-05
#75 Locarno Film Festival 不太行啊
不是洪水猛兽 2022-08-06
#75th LocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts 世界不是非黑即白的,剧情太小学生作文了吧
Gooner🌈 2022-08-14
一个清洁工的死亡给富家女造成的心理冲击 “清洁工的死和我们有什么关系啊”
丹良 2022-08-07
#75thLocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts
凪 2022-08-07
people *** everyday,except for the rich.