The Big Fat Quiz of the Year: 2006
- 主演:Russell Brand,Noel Fielding,Rob Brydon
- 其他:2006年 / 8.9分 / 英国 / 真人秀
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新电影集合 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!
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Russell Brand,Noel Fielding,Rob Brydon
大胖考2006原名:The Big Fat Quiz of the Year: 2006,
The Big Fat Quiz of the Year is an annual British television programme broadcast in the last or first week of the year on Channel 4. Essentially, the show is a comedy panel show in the style of a pub quiz. Three teams, of two celebrities each, are asked questions relating to the events of the year just gone by, which they write answers to on an electronic board in front of them...
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仨门儿 2012-10-20
饽柿 2011-09-07
****:// 两个***到爆
马自挂 2012-02-14
陈德柱 2013-07-28
How the F did i just discover this!
Armourland 2011-03-26
看了06和07年的,虽然感觉错过了不少笑料,不过还是灰常欢乐啊~~~ I want to be a goth detective~~~
Pagliacci 2012-01-09
love ** hair. which...who?...06+07
来**的** 2013-03-22
虽然大部分都没听懂 但是Russell诺妞太**配了啊**
流星ヘブン 2011-06-08
**啊Russel Brand这个天然呆被我捡回来了!诺妞好可爱好娇羞好妩媚!想看10年和moss叔的T T
穿Gucci破案 2014-05-20
fantastic!!!!!!!!!! so fucking funny!!!!!!!!
gingababa.saru 2017-04-16
今天一天都赖在床桑看大胖考=3= 幸福的人生=3==3==3=